Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbs, Charlotte York and Samantha Jones of the Famous Sex and the City but here in the Philippines, their real names are Nelson Bautista (Carrie), Hector Hilado (Miranda), Carlo Soterno (Charlotte) and Rommel Mampang (Samantha). hehehhe...i may say , we are truly a Sex and the City fanatic...its always the subject of our converstaion , aside from boys...you know that.

Sex and the City is all about love, friendship, boyfriends , labels and their adventures on sex. Just like the four of us, hahahha...we always converse on these wonderful subjects...we laugh about everything.

Love....love is in the air.the four girls of SATC made a history esp on their journey and search for love. Carrie found her love on Mr. Big. Miranda is very happy again with Steve. Charlotte is so much in love and happy with her family and Samantha, who is still single after a long relationship with model Smith Jerrod.
For the four of us,we still continue searching and looking for Love and of our Mr. Right. i have lost contact with Nelson but i know he is in love with his job now in the Brokeback Mountain.hehehhe!Hector is happy also with his special someone right now. Carlo on the other hand is single, very much single. well, obviously Mr Right is not yet in the corner. and Me, hahahha....just like samantha jones! bibitinin ko muna kayo dito.hehehhe

Career is always a priority in our friendship.Just like the four girls of SATC.And about my other friends, i have lost contact with Nelson already after so many years but i do still have some informations about him, and i am happy because he is happy now with his yearning. Hector on the other side is very busy with his job now as an Executive Secretary in a Government institution. Carlo is here in the Metro, busy on his graveyard shift as a call center agent of KGB Phil.While me,busy as a bee here in the Metro also. i am into Sales and Marketing.Our products are mainly on the business side. Franchising Business, etc.So if you want to start a business you can ring my digits, now!

my two friends are not with us here in the Metro, Hector and Nelson. Only carlo is with me here. but everytime we hang out, we always include them in our happenings.
We always attend events and recently we were present in the Philippine Fashion Week held last October 26-31, 2010 at the SMX Convention Ctr, Manila. The show was definitely a dream come true for us..and i can say now, we are really living the dream, the Sex and the City dream...just like the girls of SATC. Fashion is their world and happiness and i may say, ours too!hehehhe

hmmmmm..the next page of this blog, i will endorse it to my other wonderful friends.i want to start this and hopefully they will continue...Nelson (Carrie) is really the writer, and Hector (miranda) is also very good on this field. and Carlo (Charlotte) will definitely give time on writing his piece. so, thank you so much for your time reading this blog.muah!

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